Print, Cut, Staple, Deploy

    Print one page at a time.
    After you've printed on one side of the page, flip it vertically to print the next page on the opposite side
    Do this for 3 pieces of paper; they should align perfectly.


Cut the strips out. Not much to it. If you really really want crop marks, ask here (hit 'edit'). nobody asked, but I did it anyway...

Staple them together, making sure the cover is on the outside. The order of the panels is randomized so it doesn't really matter how they go together other than that.

Place the tract in a public place (or just hoard it just for yourself).. some recommendations:

    In public restrooms
    On gas pumps
    On video arcade games
    On top of mailboxes
    On public phones
    On doorknbs (with a rubber band)
    On newspaper dispensers
    At garage sales
    On school campuses
    At landraumats
    In taxicabs
    In library books
    At swap meets
    In rented cars
    In bill payment envelopes
    In video rental cassette boxes
    At bus stop benches
    In store dressing rooms
    Under windshield wipers